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We are proud to announce Indeed received a perfect score on the 2021 Disability Equality Index (DEI), the world’s foremost benchmarking survey measuring corporate policies and practices related to workplace disability inclusion and equality.

This is the second year in a row we were named a Top Workplace for Disability Inclusion by Disability:IN and the American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD).

See the full DEI report here.

Setting a standard for accessibility and disability inclusion

The 2021 DEI distinction is especially meaningful because of Indeed’s long-term commitment to inclusion and belonging as core values, our 2021 global accessibility milestones, and our recently announced Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) goals, which includes helping 30M people facing barriers get hired, reducing inequalities in hiring, and launching a supplier diversity initiative focused on women, LGBTQ+, veteran, people with disabilities and minority-owned businesses.

“We believe that our commitment to Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) is directly tied to our mission’s success, and that we have the ability and responsibility to drive positive, transformative change,” shared LaFawn Davis, Group Vice President of Environmental, Social & Governance at Indeed. 


About the tool

Illustration of woman on phoneThe Disability Equality Index (DEI) is a comprehensive benchmarking tool that helps companies build a roadmap of measurable, tangible actions that they can take to achieve disability inclusion and equality.

Each company receives a score, on a scale of zero (0) to 100, with those earning 80 and above recognized as “Best Places to Work for Disability Inclusion.”

The DEI is a joint initiative of the American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD), the nation’s largest disability rights organization, and Disability:IN, the global business disability inclusion network, to collectively advance the inclusion of people with disabilities and is modeled off the Corporate Equality Index that highlights LGBTQ-inclusive workplace policies. 

“The Disability Equality Index shines a spotlight on companies that believe they have a stake in creating a more equitable society for people with disabilities. It is a conduit for our work championing disability rights for the 60 million Americans with disabilities and knocking down barriers to employment, technology and healthcare, and we’re thrilled to see the progress being made today,” said Maria Town, President and CEO of AAPD.

The DEI scores companies by measuring a wide range of criteria within six categories: 

  • Culture & Leadership
  • Enterprise-Wide Access 
  • Employment Practices
  • Community Engagement 
  • Supplier Diversity
  • Non-U.S. Operations

In 2021, following the global pandemic, the DEI was modernized to add new non-weighted questions about innovative technology to advance digital and remote accessibility; mental wellness benefits; services for Deaf and hard of hearing employees, and flexible work options. 

Indeed’s efforts in satisfying all of the DEI’s criteria earned a 100 percent ranking and the designation as one of the Best Places to Work for Disability Inclusion. In addition to earning a Top Score, Indeed was recognized for its leadership in several industry best practices among these new categories. 

We look forward to continuing to improve and bring Indeedians – present and future – of varied experiences, capabilities, and talents together so we can better serve our job seekers, our employers and our communities.